From earlier bloggs


So you are wondering, a big boy getting baptized and then getting confirmated. It was a decision i let Glenn take alone with some guidance. When he was born i was not sure about anything. So in order to avoid any mistakes, i decided to wait until the boy was old enough to make his own decision about whether he wanted to do the church thing or the human ethic thing. He chose the church.

For a whole year he went to Church, bible study groups and he played the guitar in a band that his bible study group arranged. It was great. The choir was wonderful. I think i will place it here in this blogg once i figure out how.

The preperations were hectic. This being done in between all the renovations and house building project as well as liveing with my mother in law. An experience i could share but rather remind daughter in laws to think very hard through.

I managed to get a great deal with a local restuarant to fix a great meal and a drink for the guests who seem to enjoy the sunday afternoon wuite well. I think the pictures speak for themselves as they come up. The curry was Glenns choice and quite tasty, allthough a guest managed to drop the whole bowl of curry on another guest ( haha) but lucky the waitor Majud came wuickly with a refill.

We took lots of pictures and the smiles and discussions round the table were just part of what Glenn experienced as a cosey baptism.

The confirmation took place in December. I must say i was surprised to have so many people come. Absolutely wonderful. Glenn made a fantastic speech and he surprised Mum with a great song. I will paste it here and you can tell me what you think. Its on FB and has received some great comments.

Juliana played a nice song too.

The speeches were great. Anne, his godmother held a wonderful speech. His aunties, mum and dad made some great speeches too. They should come on here as soon as i figured this blogging out.

The event resulted in a very satisfied teenager with a lump of cash in his account that i am under great suspicion that he has burned at least half of. ( it was suppose to cover his driving licence expenses) but this is something he has to learn i guess!!!


Just came back from work. It must be the coldest day this year yet. When you walk on the snow it makes a crunching crsipy sound. You feel the tips of your ears are nibbling away and your face gets so cold that it gets hard to breathe.

This was my experience as i took my students to the annual church ceremony today. It has definately woken up the Christmas feeling. We sang chrismas carols, listened to the priest tell the story of Papa Paparnov and his first christmas and we all gave prayer for world peace, justice for all and that everyone should be aware of climate change and do somehting about our planet.

Now sitting here with a nice hot cup of tea, got the tomatoe soup ready as i wait for the kids to come home from school and mum can rush out and start buying a few christmas presants to put under the tree that should be coming in sometime next week. Its true yes, Christmas is here now and its starting to feel like it too. I know this cause yesterday my son and a friend of his dressed up as father christmas and pretended to be the naughty santa for the kindergarden children who in great shock watched the two santas run around the kindergarden spilling milk and making a mess of everything untill good Santa came along to save christmas for all the good children this year too :)


Dear friends and family It has been a very hectic year this year and the silence from our part is only due to the fact that we are trying to settle in our new home that was finished built this year. There is still so much to do, which is why this christmas will be spent quietly in our new home. Thankyou for those of you who helped us get the first things in place. There is still plenty more to do next year so welcome.

The beginning of the year we were had a visit from my sister and nephew from England who sharpend their skills in skiing. WIth all that snow it was fantastic. Glenn Andre and Myles basically should have sett out camp on the slopes in Tryvann. They discovered a kebab shop in the middle of the sloapes. Just no getting away from them is there. But for the boys it was great.

Thomas' mum was very patient with us letting us stay a whole year in her house in Stabekk. We are ever so greatfull for that. Hope she has gotten over the mess hehe, i was never really known for my tidy skills. But i think we did good as a family.

Glenn got baptized in early May so as to be confirmated in September. Both ceremonies were well represented and very succesfull. Thankyou to you all for your kind thoughts and generousity. I have a son who is extremely content. Last reports from him on the thankyou cards are that they are on their way. ( bear with him... teenagers) He is in the middle of making important descisions on which highschool to attend. He joined the Elite series basketball team Nordstrand and plays for the junior Under 17. Its his first season and the matches are very exiting. Mum is considering joining in. He plays really well that he sometimes gets asked to play for the under 20s. His interests in basketball will definately affect his choice of school which looks like it will be Topidrett gymnas Wang.

Juliana has had quite a move this year. Changing schools during the building process has enriched her with new friends that she visits from time to time. She has developed well with her drawing skills and has only just completed an art course at the cultural school of Oslo. She is very happy to be back in Prinsdal, although her room is not completed, she seems to have settled in well. It helps with her new Ipod where she listens to the beatles literally day in and out. It was only last weekend she admitted she had a crush on Paul McCartney and has a dream of meeting him one day. Michael Jackson has sadly lost his status with Juliana to mums great dissapointment but he has been replaced with a legendary good band the Beatles. ( We are at this point getting to the brink of irritation when it comes to Beatles facts and songs :-) )

Thomas is working hard and trying to fit in a full time job, family, and getting the house in order can be quite a juggle. But as devoted and warm as he is, it is a task he carries out well. Even after his 50years this year that we have decided to postpone the celebrations once things have settled more. Oslo Park og Idrett are changing ownership again this year and from next year it will be Friluftsetaten that he will be working for. We are anxious to see how this will effect his position, so fingers crossed. The ressesion is here and we hope we survive it.

I am still working at Toppåsen school and enjoying it alot. I seem to be getting into routine and things are going smoother. I have to as i have also started studying English too at the university college. This in addition to everything else does make one exhausted and we do feel that we are tired. Hope the holiday season will give us more energy and time for eachother and we can overcome the challenges of the new year. Thankyou to you all for this year and we hope you and your loved ones have had a fantastic year. Enjoy the christmas and best wishes for the year 2010.


Juliana and Mummy posing to show Julianas lost :)

November 2008

Finaly all the paperwork done, and the house now ready for a total makeover! This is the last time we saw     the house standing as she has done since she was built in 19twenty something. we found an old magazine       in the walls. I will try paste it here once i get it scanned in!

There was alot of packing and moving to be done. But why we waited for the last minute i really dont know. It all seemed to be so rushed. Although i must admit i had tried telling Thomas to start packing aaagggeees ago. But did he listen???!!!

chainsaw could be heard all across the neighborhood.
It was a sad site...

but such a relief.....

And all that was left was the Master bedroom. In the picture above you see what used to be the kitchen. the green walls. The door in the back is into the bedroom.

Meanwhile, we moved in with my mother in law. That was not only a life saver, but a moneysaver. But the distance commuting and to make matters worse.... winter 2009 it snowed like never before.

Juliana starts her new school in Jar skole. Same elementary school her daddy attended.

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