tirsdag 13. august 2013

Tale til konfirmanten.

This is the speech i read for my daughter on her day of confirmation. ( i got lots of help from google as i tried to put it together, the rest was inspired from my heart!) I hope that she will use it too one day for her babies on their special day.

Juliana, even before I held you in my arms, I held you in my heart. That is where you began and where you will always be. I wish I could collect the perfect words, place then in your hands, and close your fingers aroud them …. So you could truly know. Have I ever told you that you were born with drawing pencil in one hand and musikal instruments in the other. Your cries even hit the notes in all the durs and molls skala.

No woman can possibly know what life means, what the world means, what anything means, until she has her children and loves them. Then the whole universe changes and nothing will ever again seem exactly as in seemed before. I am blessed with a son and a daughter that I want you both to know that I Love to bits as much today as the day you were born. And though I may  not hold you in my arms the way I did then, I always hold you safely in my thoughts and in my heart.

Your very carefull and accurate and you never give up until everything is perfect. What do you teach a girl who got the only 6 in her Norwegian exam in the 9th grade. Your English is fluent and now your studying French and Japanese. I suspect your looking into German too, because your fascinated by history. I wont forget when your questions got way too complicated for me about the first world war, I pointed to the encyclopedia, and you read through them like an exciting novel making you another expect in the family on world wars just like  your father. You both get stuck on those tedious long documentaries on tv so im very greatful for the recording function on satellite tv!

You have been through lots of different phases in your 15 years of life. Not to mention, How crazy about the Beetles you are. We had to take you on the magical mystery tour in Liverpool because you never stopped talking about it. You eat, sleep and breath animé, I don’t know what you would do without Hetalia. But its all good and healthy. I don’t mind, but please stop asking me hundreds of questions about each character coz I have zero chance compared to your knowledge, ill only disappoint you.

You are unique and in my eyes, from the day you were born, you are perfect. But what would a speech to my daughter be, without any advice on her day of confirmation. There is a poem that I’ve read that inspired me of what reminds me of you.

"Happiness happens wherever she goes,
Thoghtfulness shines through the kindness she shows.Whatever she’s doing, her sweetness comes through.She’s  a beautiful personShe’s a daughter…. She’s you!”
Juliana today you cealed the deal. You are confirmed today ,your journey as a young lady begins now. You ethics in believing in humanism and human rights are strongly rooted In you. Be fare to yourself and to others.
Love yourself. Make peace with who you have been, who you are and where your heading.
Listen to your heart. Make time for yourself and enjoy your company.

Try. Take chances, Make mistakes. Life can be messy and confusing at times, but you know what? Its full of surprises. The next rock in your path might be a stepping stone.
There are no shortcuts to tomorrow. You have to make your own way.

To know where you’re going is only part of it. You need to know where you’ve been too, and if you ever get lost, don’t worry. The people who love you will find you. Count on it.

When you don’t have what you want, start by wanting what you have. This is one of the most important things I share with you and a secret of happiness.

Juliana…. What I am wishing for you is
Strength for the future, the feeling of seeing a prized dream come true, a bright carefree spirit, but also the wisdom to know in your heart what is most right for you. And always my big little girl, always remember the most important I have said, remember how much you are loved, remember hos proud I am always of you, remember how wonderfully special your are.

Jewels lille skatt, whatever life brings, you will share all the goodness and grace that is inside you and always be Happy!
Remember You and your brother are the light of my life and the warmth in my heart.
I love you both dearly.

Please may everyone join me in a toast to our Juliana.
I know how you feel about my singing, so I wont sing alone for you, but I would like everyone to join me in a special song for you Juliana:

Pete Seeger - Forever Young. ( link to video)

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