
Night before the reception

Lake Oloidien in Naivasha. December 2007. Late on the night before the wedding, Thomas, Juliana, Glenn and I arrived an hour later than we were supposed to in pitch dark. We had borrowed Martins' car and ended up driving right into the game corrirdor.

I was scared out of my mind as we drove deeper into the national park, my mobile battery was flat, and poor sister Jaquie was getting worried. Where the hell were we. I was asking the same thing too. With the last dot on the cell phone, i managed to describe where we were and just get a confirmation that Nandy would park on the roadside at the corner of the so called rock where we were supposed to turn in to Kiangazi Logde.

Some Rock that was....more like a little stone with small black writing that one was supposed to read in the African darkness. hehe. We made it, and the car stopped just outside the main entrance as it was now totally out of petrol. Talk about Luck, talk about stress.... but thats this family when we go on vacation, so we have learned to put on the big smile and see it all with a great sense of humor.

We were shown our gorgeous rooms at the lodge and boy where the beds huge. You know you have heard King size and queen size... these beds were like emperor size. We are definately going back.

A quick wash under the armpits.... hands and feet to clear all that red dust away.... and slip on some casual evening wear and off to the porch where the others were waiting. "what happend to you guys?" Why are you so late? We told you so... bla bla as if we were not like stressed out already.... but hey.... this is us.... let it all brush over... and thats exactly what we did.

dinner was fab. They served ehhh pumpkin soup... followed by stake and veges and rounded it off real nice with sorbet. I can remember having a big appetite after all that driving, adrenalin and all sorts of hormones. A bottle and a half of wine later, we were flat out on the couch in the living room. One more fag and its off to bed.... and yes we promised to be on time for the reception....( hoped so anyway) be continued

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